Page 8 - Policies
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University Health Network
Policy & Procedure Manual
Administrative: Privacy & Access
1. Policy
University Health Network (UHN) is committed to prioritizing the needs of patients. UHN
recognizes the right to privacy as a principle of respect for patient autonomy, based on
the individual’s right to control information related to their healthcare.
Patient privacy and a patient's right to access their health records are protected by law
under the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).
The privacy of visitors to UHN, including patient family members and caregivers, is
protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). FIPPA
also provides members of the general public with the right to request access to copies of
UHN's corporate records. For UHN revenue-generating initiatives, customer privacy is
protected by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
(PIPEDA) and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
UHN’s commitment to privacy and access to information, as set out in these statutes,
requires all of its agents to comply with this policy and related policies concerning
This policy applies to UHN as a health information custodian, its agents (including
employees, physicians, contractors, consultants, volunteers, learners, and other workers
at UHN, including all personnel affiliated with third parties), and to all programs,
procedures, and technologies at UHN that involve personal health information (PHI).
1.1 Patient Privacy Rights
UHN makes specific information about its policies and practices relating to the
management of patient privacy readily available to individuals. (See Privacy at University
Health Network patient education brochure (form D-5053) for more information.)
UHN will provide patients with information about:
• why PHI is collected
• how it is used
• with whom it may be shared and why
• patient rights with respect to the PHI
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by
any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 1.40.007 Original Date 08/02
Section Privacy & Information Security Revision Dates 07/05; 11/14; 11/16; 11/23
Issued By Privacy Office Review Dates
Approved By Vice-president & Chief Legal Officer Page 1 of 16