Page 6 - Policies
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discuss situations of actual or potential conflict of interest with their supervisor or
                        department head.

                   2.   If facts disclose a potential or actual conflict of interest, this must be reported
                        immediately to the department head. The department head will conduct an
                        investigation in a timely and effective manner. Following the completion of the
                        investigation, the staff member will be personally advised of the findings and the
                        conclusions which have been reached.

                   3.   If the department head, after investigating the relevant circumstances, finds there is
                        no actual or potential conflict of interest, the manager will document this finding and
                        advise the employee.

                   4.   If the department head finds that there is a potential conflict of interest, they will
                        advise and work with the individual to avoid a situation of conflict of interest. The
                        department head will attempt to achieve an acceptable solution in this matter. If the
                        potential conflict of interest is resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, a file will
                        not be compiled, unless requested by the individual.

                        •  If the potential conflict of interest cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of either
                            party, or if the department head finds that there is an actual conflict of interest,
                            such conflict will be reported to the general counsel, vice-president, or the

                        •  The department head may recommend that disciplinary action be taken. Such
                            action could include a suspension, reprimand, demotion, transfer or termination
                            of employment or volunteer engagement.

                   5.   The president or designate will review the potential or actual conflict of interest and
                        attempt to resolve the situation. If an acceptable solution is found, the conflict and
                        agreed upon solution will be recorded and retained in the employee file. If the
                        president’s decision supports a potential or actual conflict of interest and an
                        acceptable solution is not found, a report and record of appropriate remedial action
                        will be placed in the individual’s People & Culture file.

             This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by
               any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
                    permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
            Policy Number  2.50.002                             Original Date   11/90
            Section      Employee Relations                     Revision Dates   04/93; 07/05; 11/05; 04/09; 04/18; 09/19
            Issued By    People & Culture; Legal Affairs        Review Dates
            Approved By   Executive Vice-president, People, Culture   Page     4 of 4
                         & Community
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