Page 5 - Policies
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disciplinary action unless disclosure and corrective measures are taken. See Fostering
                   Respect in the Workplace policy 2.50.005.

                   Agreement to Disclose

                   Prior to making a commitment through a job offer or volunteer opportunity, new
                   employees and volunteers will be made aware of this policy. By signing the offer, new
                   staff confirm that they have received, reviewed, understood, and agree to comply with
                   this policy.

                   UHN physicians/dentists, UHN-appointed scientists, and members of the senior
                   management team must comply with Relationship Attestation & Disclosure policy


                   Conflict of interest: In general terms, an employee has a conflict of interest when that
                   individual or member of their immediate family has the ability to influence, directly or
                   indirectly, a decision or action in their favour. Care should be taken to avoid potential or
                   actual conflict of interest.

                   Examples of conflict of interest include:

                        •  using privileged or confidential information for personal gain
                        •  accepting or offering personal rewards in order to influence business
                        •  conducting business on behalf of UHN with an enterprise in which the
                            employee or member of their immediate family has a personal or financial
                        •  participating in actions that would deprive UHN of the time and attention of staff
                            required to perform their duties properly
                        •  using one’s position, influence, or authority to promote the purchase, lease, or
                            use of goods or services used by UHN, where the employee or member of their
                            immediate family stands to gain financially from such promotion

                   Immediate family: Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, parents, brothers, sisters,
                   spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces,
                   children, and grandchildren.


                   1.   In order to avoid inadvertent or unintentional involvement in unpleasant situations
                        or the appearance of conflict of interest, staff, and volunteers are required to

             This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by
               any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
                    permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
            Policy Number  2.50.002                             Original Date   11/90
            Section      Employee Relations                     Revision Dates   04/93; 07/05; 11/05; 04/09; 04/18; 09/19
            Issued By    People & Culture; Legal Affairs        Review Dates
            Approved By   Executive Vice-president, People, Culture   Page     3 of 4
                         & Community
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