Page 3 - Policies
P. 3
University Health Network
Policy & Procedure Manual
People & Culture: Conflict of Interest
At University Health Network (UHN), all employees, medical staff, volunteers, and
independent contractors must disclose any potential or actual conflict of interest. It is
essential that employees, medical staff, volunteers, and contractors maintain the highest
standard of public trust and integrity.
An improperly managed or undisclosed conflict of interest will not be tolerated by UHN.
Any employee, medical staff member, volunteer, or independent contractor who is found
to have engaged in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment, volunteer assignment, or contract with UHN.
Requirements have been established to deal primarily with:
• gift acceptance
• business relationships
• vendor relationships
• family relationships
• consensual intimate relationships
Note: Research staff, also refer to Conflict of Interest of Research Personnel policy
Gift Acceptance
Staff shall not solicit gifts from patients and/or their families, and should abstain from
accepting gifts that fall outside the considerations listed below. Prior to determining
whether to accept a team gift or an individual gift, the staff member recipient must
• whether the patient/family member giving the gift is mentally competent;
• whether the patient/family expects anything in return for giving the gift;
• the potential for negative feelings on the part of other patients who may not be
able to or choose not to give gifts to staff members;
• the monetary value of the gift;
• cultural norms applicable to gifts that are applicable in the circumstances, if
• any applicable regulatory requirements; and
• if refusal of the gift would harm the patient-staff member relationship.
Gifts made to a UHN-associated foundation or to UHN are not considered personal gifts
to individuals.
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by
any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 2.50.002 Original Date 11/90
Section Employee Relations Revision Dates 04/93; 07/05; 11/05; 04/09; 04/18; 09/19
Issued By People & Culture; Legal Affairs Review Dates
Approved By Executive Vice-president, People, Culture Page 1 of 4
& Community