Page 4 - Policies
P. 4
Business Relationships
Staff, volunteers, or contractors shall not, without appropriate approvals from their
managers or department head, engage directly or indirectly in any personal business
transaction or private arrangement for personal profit that accrues from, or is based
upon, their appointment/employment with UHN, or upon confidential or non-public
information that they gain by reason of their employment with UHN.
Staff, volunteers, and contractors shall not divulge confidential or restricted information
to any unauthorized person, or release such information in advance of authorization for
release. (Refer to Privacy policy 1.40.007.)
Staff, volunteers, and contractors shall not, without appropriate approvals from their
managers or department heads, have direct or indirect personal business or financial
activities which conflict with their official duties and responsibilities, including owning any
interest (directly or indirectly) in any organization doing business with UHN.
Vendor Relationships
Staff must not accept or solicit, directly or indirectly, any offers from vendors which do
not comply with the UHN Code of Workplace Ethics and the UHN Supply Chain Code of
Family Relationships
Staff shall not hire/transfer/promote members of their immediate family in the normal
conduct of their responsibilities, nor shall they hire/transfer/promote members of the
immediate family of existing staff in situations in which a conflict of interest may arise.
This would include situations where the individual would report directly or indirectly to the
staff person or work in the same department with an immediate family member.
Consensual Intimate Relationships
Romantic or sexual relationships between a supervisor and an employee or student who
they supervise are prohibited.
Staff in this situation must immediately disclose the relationship to their manager,
department head, or People Consultant advisor so that appropriate measures can be
taken. Measures will include reassigning reporting responsibilities to others.
A supervisor who has direct supervisory authority over an employee/student/volunteer
and is at the same time involved in an intimate relationship with that employee/student/
volunteer will be considered to be in violation of this policy and will be subject to
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by
any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 2.50.002 Original Date 11/90
Section Employee Relations Revision Dates 04/93; 07/05; 11/05; 04/09; 04/18; 09/19
Issued By People & Culture; Legal Affairs Review Dates
Approved By Executive Vice-president, People, Culture Page 2 of 4
& Community