Page 8 - Bringing UHN into Focus - 2015-2016 Year in Review
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Caring Safely:
MakingCARINGSAFELY UHN even safer for patients,
caregivers and each other




A number of teams and individuals are leading the work of Caring Safely, which reports in to Dr. Charlie Chan,
EVP Clinical Programs, Quality & Safety, Emma Pavlov, EVP Human Resources, Organizational Development
& Michener Operations, and Dr. Peter Pisters, in his role as EVP Clinical Operations (Interim) (Photos: UHN)


Imagine a small puddle of water in a hospital hallway. the workplace and, of course, for the patients and their

To some, it’s left unnoticed. To others, it’s careless                         caregivers who we serve.

caonndcpeornte.ntiallyMdIaCnHgeEroNuEs.RToINmToEstG, iRt’sAsToImOeNone else’s  In the past year, much groundwork has been done on
                                                                               Caring Safely. A Memorandum of Understanding was

Under UHN’s Caring Safely      Safety has always been a                                                  signed with SickKids, which
Transformation, launched       focus at UHN and Caring                                                   had already begun its own
by President and CEO Dr.                                                                                 safety transformation. There

Peter Pisters at the 2015      Safely is designed to heighten                                            was engagement with others
Annual General Meeting, that   awareness and create                                                      in the Toronto Academic
puddle in the hallway is the   individual accountability for it.                                         Health Science Network,
responsibility of everyone at                                                                            including neighbours at

UHN who sees it.                                                                                         Sinai Health System and

Safety has always been a focus at UHN and Caring                               Women’s College, and detailed discussions with
Safely is designed to heighten awareness and create                            leaders from a dozen other hospitals, where much can
individual accountability for it. Whether clinical or                          be learned from their focus on patient safety over the
non-clinical, staff must have an awareness that puts                           past 15 years.

safety first in everything we do, for each other, for

8 Bringing UHN into Focus
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