Page 4 - Bringing UHN into Focus - 2015-2016 Year in Review
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Apr/15 May/15 Jun/15 Jul/15 Aug/15 Sept/15 Oct/15 Nov/15 Dec/15 Jan/16 Feb/16 Mar/16

Purpose, Values and Principles:
All of us play a keyPURPOSE, VALUES AND PRINCIPLES role in the


CARING SAFELY       A number of individuals and teams are leading the work
PATIENT EXPERIENCE  on Purpose, Values and Principles, including members
                    of the Senior Management Team, with the initiative
                    reporting into Dr. Peter Pisters, President and CEO.
                    (Photo: UHN Visual Services)


Why does UHN exist and what is our impact on the                  It’s a different UHN – and a different world – since the
world? That is the question at the heart of the process           last time we had this conversation. Toronto Rehab and
                                                                  the Michener Institute are now key contributors to
underway to devIeTloTpRaAnNewSFseOt RofMPuArTpIoOseN, Values and  the dynamism, collaboration and excellence in patient
                                                                  care, scientific research and medicine that have long
Principles for the organization.                                  been our hallmarks.

Our culture and beliefs                                           In an initiative that began in the past year, UHN’s core
are undReErSErAeRvCiHeAwNDuINsNiOnVgATION                         values are being examined. Our culture and beliefs
a process that engages                                            are under review using a process that engages people
people across the                                                 across the organization, exploring what it is that
organizMaItCiHoENnE,ReINxTpEGlRoArTiInONg                         connects them to this place. The work will provide
what it is that connects                                          an overarching framework to guide us in developing
them to this place.                                               a new strategic plan, while better aligning and
                                                                  connecting our current activities.

4 Bringing UHN into Focus
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