Page 7 - Sharpening the Focus at UHN
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Apr/16 May/16 Jun/16 Jul/16  Aug/16 Sept/16 Oct/16 Nov/16 Dec/16 Jan/17 Feb/17 Mar/17  Apr/15 May/15 Jun/15 Jul/15  Aug/15 Sept/15 Oct/15 Nov/15 Dec/15 Jan/16 Feb/16 Mar/16

 Dr. Charlie Chan, Executive                                 Mike Nader, Executive Vice-President
 Vice-President and Chief                                    and Chief Operating Officer, is an
 Medical Officer, is an Executive                            Executive Lead on Caring Safely, Patient
 Lead on Caring Safely, Patient                              Experience and Clinical Optimization.
 Experience, Team Engagement                                 (Photo: UHN Visual Services)
 and Clinical Optimization.
 (Photo: UHN Visual Services)

 In Caring Safely, we developed comprehensive action   out late in 2016-17 and will continue into the latter   In Patient Experience, patients and caregivers were   its resources in the best possible way and on our
 plans to move towards a culture of safety. Daily safety   part of this year. A core course, which will be taken   engaged in more than 100 activities. The Patient   priorities.  A focus for the OSS was the development

 huddles are now fully entrenched on all our sites,   by all staff organization-wide began in March 2017.   Experience Roadmap was introduced in 2016-17 in   of an Overcapacity Protocol to help our hospitals deal
 a clear demonstration of our commitment to our   Central to this work is “one UHN chasing zero” – a   response to new Accreditation Canada standards   with increasing demands for care.
 core values of safety and stewardship, and tangible   local reference to the 2010 documentary on healthcare   as well as several Ontario government legislated
 evidence of the promise we are making to patient and   harm and a phrase which defines our efforts to   requirements. The year also saw the roll-out of our
 workplace safety through this transformation.  eliminate preventable harm to patients and staff.  myUHN Patient Portal. An achievement of both our   The year also saw

 Caring Safely education for leaders began rolling   IT Transformation and Patient Experience teams, it’s
        a secure digital website where patients can see all of      the roll-out of our
        their UHN appointments, results, reports and clinical
 We developed comprehensive   documentation across UHN in real time. The initial   myUHN Patient

        sign-up rate of nearly 1,000 patients per week over the
 action plans to move towards   first four months since its expansion on Jan. 30, 2017   Portal.
        offered tangible evidence of the pent-up demand for it.

 a culture of safety.  Finding safer, smarter and simpler ways of providing
        care is at the heart of the Clinical Optimization Area

        of Focus. In 2016-17, the key development was the
        creation of the Office of Stewardship and Sustainability
        (OSS), which is designed to ensure UHN is using

 6  Sharpening the Focus at UHN  Year in Review 2016 – 2017                                                            7
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