Page 5 - Sharpening the Focus at UHN
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Apr/16 May/16 Jun/16 Jul/16  Aug/16 Sept/16 Oct/16 Nov/16 Dec/16 Jan/17 Feb/17 Mar/17  Apr/15 May/15 Jun/15 Jul/15  Aug/15 Sept/15 Oct/15 Nov/15 Dec/15 Jan/16 Feb/16 Mar/16

 A year of sharpening focus, defining

 purpose and living values

                                                            Emma Pavlov, Executive
                                                            Vice-President Human

 Dr. Peter Pisters, President and CEO,                      Resources and Organizational
 is the Executive Lead on Purpose,                          Development, and Michener
 Values & Principles, and Strategy.                         Operations, is an Executive
 (Photo: UHN Visual Services)                               Lead on Caring Safely, Team
                                                            Engagement and Michener
                                                            Integration. (Photo: UHN
                                                            Visual Services)

 UHN is on a journey of renewal, leveraging our past   through excellence in care, discovery and learning.”   We are all working to make the PVP statements an   At UHN, our people are our greatest asset and we
 successes to establish the foundational supports for   It’s a statement that exemplifies what we do now but   integral part of our daily lives at UHN. It articulates   want a high-quality work environment for our team.
 a new strategic plan that will enable us to sustain the   will last for generations as our cornerstone.  why all of us come to work each day – whatever our   Team Engagement in 2016-17 saw an enhancement
 excellence we have achieved in our everyday work and   The renewed PVP was made public at the end of   job. The values of safety, compassion, teamwork,   of the culture of engagement through coaching,

 define where we are going tomorrow.  November at  seven events held at all sites, which   integrity and stewardship resonate personally with   providing feedback and skills building. In response to
 Vital work on this journey was completed in 2016-17.   included speeches by UHN Patient Partners and   our staff. The primary value – “The needs of patients   what we heard in the Employee Engagement Survey,

 Building on our refreshed management and board   President and CEO Dr. Peter Pisters amid a festive   come first,” – strikes a chord because it’s not only the   Unleashing Peak Performance (UPP), UHN’s new
 structure, and the eight Areas of Focus that were   atmosphere of cake, pop-up photo booths and life-size   underpinning for our organization-wide strategy,   performance management system, was launched.
 established in 2015-16, we collectively created our   cardboard cutouts of our community members.  decision-making and resource allocation, but also   We are also continuing to develop a safer, stronger
 Purpose, Values & Principles (PVP). These statements   gives voice to the reason most of our staff chose   workplace through the implementation of our Caring

 are the reflection of a tremendous commitment on   UHN’s PVP is designed to   careers in healthcare – to make a positive difference in   Safely Workplace strategy; and, addressing barriers to
 behalf of the entire UHN organization and provide   the lives of patients.   staff engagement and refreshing the way we identify
 us with the foundation on which we will build our   anchor the organization   Along with our PVP, the other Areas of Focus anchor   and develop leaders within the organization.
 Strategic Plan over the first seven months of 2017-18.  in core values and create   our everyday work as we strive together to transform

 UHN’s PVP is designed to anchor the organization in   lives and communities with every interaction.  We   These values resonate
 core values and create a strong values-based, patient-  a strong values-based,   had a number of key accomplishments in these other   personally with our staff.

 centred culture. The PVP process helped us define   patient-centred culture.  areas, which are fundamental on our journey of
 our purpose – “Transforming lives and communities   renewal.

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