

Use the Transfer functionality for inpatients moves between the same levels of care. For example, visits may not be transferred from Acute sites to Rehab sites. The most common levels of care at UHN include Acute, Rehab, and CCC (Complex Continuing Care)


When to Use a Transfer

Important Notes


Covered in this topic:

Unscheduled Transfer

Scheduled Transfer


Unscheduled Transfer


Note: An unscheduled transfer is used when there is no electronic order for the transfer.


1. From the patient desktop, ADT tab, click on Unscheduled Transfer.

ADT tab - Unscheduled Transfer

2. Enter the date and time the procedure was performed and click OK.

Enter date and time for unscheduled transfer

3. Choose (I) Checkin to check the patient in their new room/bed and then hit Enter from your keyboard.


Choose Checkin


4. Enter the destination the patient is transferring to on the unit by clicking on Expand.

Expand button to find destination location

5. Select the Unit/Floor the patient is on and click OK.

Select unit/floor

6. Select the Room and click OK.

Select room location

7. Select the bed the patient will occupy in the selected room and click OK.

Select bed

Note: Visits may not be transferred from Acute sites to Rehab sites. Attempting to do so will cause an error message to appear. You must either change the destination or discharge the visit and create a new visit.

Transfer error message


8. Select the appropriate Bed Spacing option and click OK. The term Bed Spaced is used to identify when a patient is admitted to a hospital bed that is not associated with their care provider’s unit or program.


Bed Spacing Options


9. For Transfer Checkin Time, enter the information and click OK to proceed. If applicable, enter N for now.


10. Select the applicable Transfer option and click OK.


Transfer options


11. Select from the Transport Method options and click OK.


Transport Method Options


12. Select Yes or No if the new room type is what the patient requested.


Patient Room type question


13. If Yes was selected, but you are still prompted to complete the Out of Accommodation Reason, click OK to skip to the next field. If No was selected, select the applicable Out of Accommodation Reason option.


Out of accommodation reason options


14. If the Attending Physician and/or Resident service has changed, update with the necessary information. Otherwise, click OK or Keep until you see Accept.


15. Choose (A) Accept.


Scheduled Transfer


Note: A scheduled transfer requires a physician's order.


A scheduled transfer is used when there is an electronic order for the transfer from the Provider.


A scheduled transfer is a two-step process, whereby the patient must be 1) checked out of the sending unit and 2) checked into the receiving unit.


Once the physician has placed the transfer, the entry ADT:Transfer will appear on the Patient Care Schedule (click on the Patient Shortcuts tab to find the Pt Care Schedule). The process is then completed by selecting the event in the Patient Care Schedule and filling in the applicable fields.


Step 1: Checkout (Sending Unit)


1. From the Patient Care Schedule select the ADT:Transfer option (found in black font) and click OK.


checkout sending unit ADT transfer


2. Choose Document.

Document button

3. Enter the date and time the procedure was performed and click OK.

Enter date and time of checkout

4. As the sending unit, you will be checking the patient out of your unit. Press Enter on your keyboard to check the patient out.


Press enter for checkout


5. Select the Bed Type the patient requested and click OK.

Select bed type(s)

6. Select the Reason for Transfer and click OK.

Select Reason for Transfer

7. Select the applicable Transport Method and click OK.

Transport Method options

8. Select Yes or No if the Patient in Room Type Requested meets the patient request.

Patient in Room Type Requested?

9. If the patient is not in the room type requested, select an option from the appropriate Out of Accommodation Reason Options. If the patient is in the room type requested, select OK to bypass.

Out of Accommodation Reason Options

10. If there has been a change in Attending Physician, Medical Service, Resident Service or Current Patient Service, enter the information as applicable. Click OK until the Accept option appears.


Note: Accuracy is very important.

Service related fields

11. Click (A) Accept. You have now checked your patient out of your unit.


Step 2: Checkin (Receiving Unit)


As the Receiving Unit you will need to accept the transfer by selecting the ADT:Transfer (in black font) option from the Patient Care Schedule.


1. From the Patient Care Schedule, select the ADT:Transfer option and click OK.


checkin scheduled transfer correct


2. Choose Document.

Document button

3. You will notice that the Checkin/Checkout field has already been populated with the word Checkin. Additionally, other fields (entered by the sending unit) will also be populated such as Patient Requested Bed Type, Reason for Transfer, and Transport Method. Click in the Destination field to proceed.


transfer patient checkin screen ADT transfer


4. Click in the Destination field and then click on Expand.

Expand button - Destination field

5. A numbered list of all units will appear. Select the Unit that the patient is being transferred to (received in) and click OK.


Note: Each unit is prefixed with the appropriate facility (e.g. TG-6MB, PM-South 5 IP).


Select the checkin unit


6. Select the room the patient will be transferred to and click OK.


Select the patient transfer room


7. Select the bed the patient will occupy and click OK.


Select the patient bed


8. Click on Yes to bypass the warning that will occasionally appear.


overflow scheduled checkin adt transfer


Note: The Destination field now populates with your patient's unit/room/bed number.


Destination field is now populated


9. Select the appropriate Bed Spacing option and click OK. The term Bed Spaced is used to identify when a patient is admitted to a hospital bed that is not associated with their care provider’s unit or program.


checkin bed spacing options


10. Notice that the next several fields are auto-populated with the information entered by the sending unit. Verify and edit these fields, if required.


Verify all fields


11. If the Attending Physician, Medical Service, Resident Service or Current Patient Service have changed because of this transfer, enter in the respected fields. Accuracy is important.

Note: Do not free-text in any of these fields. Click the Expand button and pick the name/service from the list.


12. Click (A) Accept. Note that once the transfer is fully complete (accepted), the entry will appear blue on the Patient Care Schedule.

Patient Care Schedule - Completed Checkin of Scheduled Transfer

Important Notes:

Transfer error message


Please see the following topics for more information:

Patient Transfers and Moves across UHN


Visit Creation

Visit Activation


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