Page 13 - Sharpening the Focus at UHN
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 Heart function day unit open for business   Sealing babies’ vessels and a lasting

 in new space  legacy: Dr. Karel terBrugge retires from

        Medical Imaging

 Tucked away at one end of the long   dose antibiotics for patients going home on homecare,
 hallway in the fifth floor Ambulatory   dressing changes, intravenous (IV) fluid replacement
 Cardiac Clinics area of the Peter   for dehydrated patients, blood transfusions, and IV   Etched in one man’s legacy are the   This rare, life-threatening condition, which has been
 Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC), a   medication administration.  words Founding Father, President,   described as “Niagara Falls of the brain” due to the rush
                        PURPOSE, VALUES AND PRINCIPLES
 bright new space is now open.  And   The Richard A. G. Robinson Heart Function Day   Editor-in-Chief, Chair, Head and Site   of blood to the brain, usually develops in utero during
 Carlos Gaspar, along with Registered Nurse Suzanne   Unit was made possible through philanthropy via the   Chief. A collection of prestigious titles   the embryonic stage of development, and is a result of
 Hemeon, was the first to occupy it.  Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research, and is seen as   decorate the long and lustrous career   abnormal connections between the arteries and veins in
 Gaspar had aortic valve surgery at PMCC in January   beneficial for both patients and staff for a variety of   of Dr. Karel terBrugge, who, after 40 years of clinical   the brain.
                        CLINICAL OPTIMIZATION
        service and leadership with the Joint Department of
 2016 and while recovering at a rehabilitation centre,   reasons, including:   Medical Imaging (JDMI), has retired from his role   With little time to save Audrey’s life, she was
 contracted a virus that left him with Congestive Heart   •   Appointments can be scheduled to coincide with   as Head of the Division of Neuroradiology and Site   immediately transferred to SickKids Hospital. She
 Failure.  As a result, he requires regular treatment,   clinic visits if needed  Chief of Medical Imaging at Toronto Western Hospital.   weighed just four pounds. The healthcare team wanted
 which is where the room fills a void.                          Audrey to gain more weight before they performed
 •   Appointments can be ordered upon assessment of   (TWH)  CARING SAFELY
 “The treatment room is for short-term out-patient   the patient (in the moment) to manage symptoms   surgery but within 24 hours, they realized they couldn’t
 therapy, interventions and infusions,” says Suzanne.   But for 12-year old Audrey Fennell, he is simply her   control the heart failure any longer.
 “These are treatments which could take up to   •   Patients remain ambulatory in the clinic for   hero.  “We were told to prepare for the worst,” recalls Sheila.
 three or four hours and do not require continuous   monitoring and further decision-making  It was back in January 2004. Sheila Fennell had just   “Dr. terBrugge informed us of the seriousness of
                         PATIENT EXPERIENCE
 monitoring.”  •   Instills confidence in the patient and decreases    given birth to beautiful twin girls, Audrey and Hannah.   Audrey’s condition and the high risk associated with
 wait time
 Among the treatments patients receive in the large,   Two days later, she received the discouraging news:   the procedure, but we had very little choice.”
 airy space:  intravenous Lasix, iron infusions, first      Link to full story: click here.  Audrey had been diagnosed with Vein of Galen
        Malformation (VGM).                                                    Link to full story: click here.
                         TEAM ENGAGEMENT
 Also Making News                                                   Also Making News

                         IT TRANSFORMATION

 Website helps with writing a better                                  Caring Safely patient story: ‘I was all
 Discharge Summary                                                    that mattered to her.’

 Mom dances again: Stroke patient to   RESEARCH AND INNOVATION        New Michener blog post launches with
 dance at son’s wedding                                               simulation education

 UHN volunteers provide HELP for                                      Epilepsy diet clinic offers hope for
 patients                                                             patients with hard to control seizures

 Suzanne Hemeon, RN Coordinator, Ambulatory Cardiac Clinics,   MICHENER INTEGRATION
 provides care to 77-year-old Carlos Gaspar, a congestive heart failure   Dr. Karel terBrugge achieved many prestigious titles during 40 years of
 patient, inside the newly-opened Richard A.G. Robinson Heart   clinical service, but to one young patient and her family, he is a hero.
 Function Day Unit at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre. (Photo: UHN)  (Photo: UHN)

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